
The Healing Project is seeking highly motivated and driven underrepresented students to amplify their ambitions in pursuing a meaningful career in healthcare. The Healing Project is uniquely positioned to create a dynamic environment that equips students with the necessary resources and guidance to strike a balance between depth and breadth to excel in medicine. We use the following criteria for selection of students:

  • Leadership can take on many forms in many different contexts. There is no one type of leader The Healing Project is looking for. However, we do look for leaders who demonstrate the ability to make a difference whether it be a president of a club, captain of a varsity team, or a founder. The Healing Project is looking for those who have the passion and desire to make a contribution in healthcare and the world.

  • Not only is The Healing Project seeking for future leaders, we are looking for demonstrated resiliency. That can take on many forms, but with a career in medicine, the journey can be arduous. We acknowledge that the road can present hurdles and sometimes we fail. Though challenging, the reward is immense. The Healing Project is looking for growth and development, the desire to challenge oneself, and be able to uniquely problem solve.

  • The journey to medicine is not monolithic. Your prior experience can be expansive and unconventional. The Healing Project is looking for individuals who demonstrate passion in other areas such as the as the creative arts, sports, and whatever it is that drives you.


To be eligible for the program, you must meet the following requirements as of the October 31, 2024 application deadline: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The Healing Project takes a holistic approach when evaluating applicants.

I. Pre-medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-PA Status

The Healing Project is interested in students who are determined to pursuing a medical degree, dental degree, or masters in physician assistant.

II. Academic Standing

To be eligible, you must enrolled in a degree seeking college as of the fall of 2025. You may be applying to graduate school at the same time that you are applying to The Healing Project, or you may already be enrolled in the graduate program. The Healing Project is open to all fields of study and fully accredited full-time graduate and professional degree programs. To be eligible for the 2025 THP Cohort, you should be thinking about and/or planning to attend medical school, dental school or PA school. Individuals who have a previous graduate degree are eligible. For individuals in a joint- or dual-degree program, the program you are enrolled in for the 2025-26 academic year must meet the eligibility requirements.

III. Be Motivated and Eager to Learn

The Healing Project is interested in applicants who were able to challenge themselves, demonstrate resilience, and to overcome adversity.